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We know what you're going through

Whether it's workplace pressure, setting unrealistic expectations and goals or dealing with the beginnings of burnout, the modern workplace can be a challenging place.

Many of us tend to ignore our stress levels until they become too high – and by then they're already having a negative impact on our well-being. Let's change that.

Your 24/7 support

Our app has been scientifically proven to improve your mental wellbeing.

Get the assistance you need any time, anywhere

The Companion app for iOS and Android is there for you 24/7, enabling you and your team members to get the tools to cope with work and personal challenges, discover related and relevant content and revisit previous training.

Strategies as individual as you

Create your personalized mental wellbeing plan full of actionable strategies written by our team of experts. Receive a daily strategy prompt each morning helping you to build healthy habits.

Hundreds of proven ways to improve wellbeing at work

Our library of expert audio guides features more than 150 guides covering 40+ topics. Whether you want to learn about stress, discover how to communicate more effectively or find a better work/life balance, there's an expert audio guide just for you.

Expertly crafted audio guides

Our extensive library boasts over 150 expertly crafted guides on 40+ topics for mental wellbeing in work and life to help you cope with the most demanding days.

How to handle pressure and responsibility

An audio guide for overcoming the build up of pressure