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Getting started with Companion

Getting started

Hello and welcome to Companion, the workplace wellbeing app.

Companion is a collection of expert guides, tools and strategies to help you manage all kinds of stressful or anxiety-causing events.

It uses proven psychological techniques that really work, and one of the key ones is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT for short.

Is Companion the right app for me?

If you're working, we think the answer is yes: Companion can make a real difference to your workplace wellbeing.

When you install the app you'll get full access to our daily featured guides, our 'Stress and anxiety - the basics' topic and our articles and support content.

When you're ready you can sign up for our free, no-strings trial and access our whole library of 200 expert audio guides and strategies across 40 topics.

Our free trial is completely unlimited so you can see exactly how Companion can help you.

How can I get Companion?

You can download Companion for iOS here; the download for Android is here.

What does Companion cost?

Our subscription plans are great value: an individual subscription is just £4.99 a month or £49.99 a year. And they come with a free 7 day trial, so you can try before you commit.

And how does the app work?

Companion is structured into three main sections; Home, Explore and Journal.

Home shows you today's featured guide, your selected interests and recommended topics and our most recent articles.

When you've been using the app it will also show you the recently played audio guides and the recently viewed topics so it's easy to pick up from where you left off.

Explore is the beating heart of the app, a place to search and browse for the content that you need in any given moment. It's the gateway to our topics, guides and strategies.

All of our guides follow the same structure: there's an introduction to the topic, so for example you might select 'Stress and anxiety - the basics' to learn about workplace stress and what causes it.

The topic is then split into bite-sized guides that go into detail, so to stick with the Stress & Anxiety example you'll have guides on what stress does to your brain and body, what signs to look out for and so on.

Last but not least, each guide finishes with a collection of strategies.

These are the takeaways, the practical steps you can take to improve your workplace wellbeing.

Journal is where you can find your list of bookmarked guides, saved strategies and an interactive exercise for reframing negative thoughts.

There's lots to do and we have big plans for adding lots more!

And what next?

Now is the time to explore the app and see how it can help you.

We're here to meet your needs and we're happy to answer questions and receive feedback. Just get in touch.